The globalization of maritime trade started in Algoa Bay, in 1488 when Portuguese explorers established a sea route to Goa, India. Algoa Bay became a definitive landmark on the route to the East – as the bay on route to Goa, India; as a definitive landmark for navigating the treacherous Agulhas current; and, as replenishment station for water.
Over a period of five centuries, the heritage of Algoa Bay has been enriched with a broad range of heritage assets. The coastline tells a story of human habitation and industry dating back to the early stone age, whilst tracing our progression to anatomically modern humans and integration with global maritime trade. These are assets waiting to be celebrated and positioned as national treasures. BANA will leverage our unique maritime heritage for achieving socio-economic development goals through the construction of thematic interpretive frameworks which reconcile our fragmented heritages – of maritime trade, colonialism, indigenous settlements, environmental degradation, and democracy – while meeting marine conservation objectives.