This talk was the first of the wild coast talks and just getting there was an experience. We crossed the Pont at Kei mouth and then travelled on a virtually brand-new tar road for several kilometres (a rare beast in these areas. We then travelled on a dirt road which many describe as knowing you are traveling in a remote area. We didn’t think it was that bad as the short cut we took was far worse. The view from the fishing area and picnic sites of 14 males chasing a female made this a spectacular destination. Crossing the suspension bridge to the island made one feel as if you could reach out and touch the whales. The highest point on the island was a midden and part of me wondered if we dug deep enough, we would find whale barnacles which would show evidence of the use of whales by these early beach walkers (Standloopers). Unfortunately, several guests had seen the weather forecast and decided to leave. This was their loss as this was the beginning of an amazing trip up the wild coast with whales and even a Sub Antarctic fur seal following us up on our trip. The SAS Mendi was offshore as well. There were big discussions about a guided walk in the remotest part of the Wild coast and we would like to say that this will be launched next year so watch this space.
Attendance: 10